

Fit for Spring – Fitness Tips for Amateur Athletes

Fitness fanatics and amateur athletes can rejoice – spring is right around the corner. Say goodbye to the dull, grey winter and hello to the warm spring sunshine. The wait is finally over and, as temperatures rise, you can once again get out to exercise in the fresh spring air. Where you opted for a spin class in winter, now’s the time to get back out in nature on your bike. Runners can also head outside and open-air pools will start to win out against the leisure centres again.

It’s always hard to begin – so start slowly
After an extended break from exercise during the colder months, don’t start training at full pelt right away.

It’s much better to gradually build up towards a healthy level of fitness with lots of short exercise sessions which will steadily increase your personal fitness level. Beginners should restrict the number of exercise sessions at the start to about 2 or 3 x 20-minute sessions a week. Because your metabolism is still active for a few hours post-exercise, you burn calories even at rest – this is the afterburn effect. This also gives the body a safe adaptation period, increasingly improves its resilience and reduces the risk of injury. It’s important to start with basic exercises; to steadily increase from a solid fitness base and build a foundation from which you can successfully achieve your training objective.

Reach goals together

Try starting with these exercises:

  • Squats (2 sets of 10 repetitions)
  • Push-ups (3 sets of 10 repetitions)
  • Sit-ups (3 sets of 15 repetitions)
  • Running/jogging (initial basic endurance: 5 x 200 metre progression runs).

After 1 or 2 weeks, you can start longer runs. Focus on your form: It’s better to take your time getting it right at the start, then increase your pace and repetitions as you get fitter.

Use the power of the group to push yourself further
Sport is usually more fun with others, whether it’s friends, family or just familiar faces. Having an exercise partner can work wonders and also lets you share the post-workout high with someone, knowing you’ve reached your goals together. You can push and motivate each other, and this mutual support drives you to achieve your personal goals sooner.

How food affects your performance
Optimise your performance curve by carefully planning your nutritional intake before, during and after training. Protein shakes can help your body access the essential proteins, vitamins and minerals it lacks during physical exertion, for example, when you’re putting your muscles under extreme stress when strength training. Taking whey protein or recovery shakes enables your body to absorb the protein it needs to help your muscles regenerate more easily. Sore muscles then recover quicker, leaving you not as sore for not so long and looking forward to your next session!

Endurance athletes may also benefit from consuming isotonic drinks during and after training, as they rapidly offset water and mineral loss while optimising your performance.



Isotonic drinks while sports activities?

The refreshing isotonic drink supplies the body with additional calcium, magnesium and vitamin C during exercise.
The Vitamin C in the drink protects the cells from oxidative stress while magnesium contributes to a normal function of the
muscles. The ISO drink also compensates for the loss of water, minerals and vitamins reliably and prevents a drop in performance.


Advantages of the isotonic drink

  • Only 150 calories per 500 ml
  • Contains calcium and magnesium
  • Contains vitamin C
  • Six fruity flavors
  • No fat (< 0,5 g Fett in 100 ml Produkt)
  • Handy single-portion packs
  • Easy preparation

Learn more about isotonic drinks